Non-Refereed Publications
Henderson, J. & Farhadi, B (2023) Human rights and 2SLGBTQ+ education should not be optional. The Toronto Star. June 22.
Farhadi, B. (2021) Failed Screen Test: Hybrid learning and the misuse of online education in Ontario. Behind the Numbers, The Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives. September 9.
Farhadi, B. (2021) We must ensure online learning is equitable. First Policy Response, Ryerson University. July 31.
Farhadi, B. (2021) “The Saturday Debate: Should Ontario Move to More Online Learning Permanently?” The Toronto Star, Opinion. April 3.
Farhadi. B. (2020) Online education during COVID-19, Education Forum. The Ontario Secondary School Teachers’ Federation/ FEESO. November 26.
Farhadi, B. (2020) Concurrent classrooms are a failed response to COVID-19 pressures, Behind the Numbers. The Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives. November 5.
Farhadi, B. (2020) Getting it Right: Online Learning in Public Schools,
The Broadbent Blog. Broadbent Institute. September 3.
Farhadi, B. (2020) Ontario school reopening plan leaves unanswered questions. First Policy Response. Ryerson University. July 31
Farhadi, B. (2020) Educating Ontario Students During Covid-19,The Broadbent Blog. Broadbent Institute. April 19.
Farhadi, B. (2019) “The Short Sighted Vision of Conservative Education Policy,The Broadbent Blog. Broadbent Institute. November 27.
Farhadi, B. (2019) “In Doug Ford’s e-learning gamble, high school students will lose,” The Conversation: Canadian Edition. October 17.
Farhadi, B. (2019) “Technology for Good? 5 Things to Know about E-Learning in Ontario,” Behind the Numbers. The Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives. June 7.
Refereed Publications
Farhadi, B. (2024). Resisting the Heartbreak of Neoliberalism in Education Advocacy. Critical Education, 15(2), 101-121.
Farhadi, B. “The fantasy of public education and thinking with Lauren Berlant to imagine otherwise.” Antipode: A Radical Journal of Geography web
Farhadi, B., & Winton, S. Ontario Teachers’ Policy Leadership During the COVID-19 Pandemic. Canadian Journal for Educational Administration and Policy, 200: 49-62
Farhadi, B. & Winton, S. (2021) “Building a plane while flying: Crisis policy enactment during COVID-19 in Alberta secondary schools“. The Journal for Teaching and Learning, 15(2): 117-132.
Seitz, D. and Farhadi, B. (2019) Guest Editors for Special Issue: “Desiring Politics and the Politics of Desire,” Emotion, Space and Society, 31: 102-104.
Farhadi, B. (2019). “A Psychoanalytic Inquiry into Teaching in the Online Classroom,” in production for special issue: “Desiring Politics and the Politics of Desire,” Emotion, Space and Society, 31: 112-119.
Farhadi, B. (2018). Narratives of Safety on Social Media: The Case of# mysafetyselfie. The Professional Geographer, 70(1), 140-149.
Farhadi, B. (2017). Review of Bodies: Bodies, Screens, Space, by Robyn Longhurst. Gender, Space & Culture. Advanced published online.
Farhadi, B. (2017). Review of Networked Affect, eds. Ken Hills, Susanna Paasonen, and Michael Petit. Emotion, Space and Society, Volume 22, Pages 23-24.
Anthology Chapter
Farhadi, B. (2016) “Identity and the City: Thinking Through Diversity,” in Subdivided: City-Building in an Age of Hyper-Diversity, eds. Jay Pitter and John Lornic, 13-30. Toronto, Coach House Books, 2016.
Presentations & Podcasts