Select news media:
CBC News (2021) September 21: Parents, students, teachers call for end to ‘hybrid’ classes in Toronto public schools
Winnipeg Free Press (2021) July 14: Gaps reported in remote learning digital infrastructure
Ottawa Citizen (2021) E-Learning is here to stay, but it won’t look anything like what COVID has created, experts say.
CTV Your Morning (2021) March 29: Students raising concerns about how remote exams are monitored
CBC News (2021) March 15: Online school will still be around post-pandemic, so what have we learned?
CityNews (2021) January 9: Mandatory online learning leaves single parents with impossible choice
Toronto Observer (2020) December 17: Ontario teachers are ‘silently suffering’ four months into the school year
Toronto Star (2020) October 12: “‘Double duty.’ Educators find themselves teaching in-class and online at same time“
The Globe and Mail (2020) October 7: Parents, experts worry that online learning is exacerbating the digital divide
The New York Times (2020) September 29: The New Helicopter Parents Are on Zoom.
The Globe and Mail (2020) September 22: Some TDSB Elementary Remote Learners Left With Independent Work as Board Scrambles for Teachers
Global National (2020) September 1: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tfDKysrud7w
CityNews (2020) August 31: What high school students can expect when classes resume and What e-learning will look like for the student’s who’s at home.
Global Toronto (2020) August 28: Ontario parents still have many questions about online learning.
CBC The National (2020) July 24 (7:00): https://www.cbc.ca/player/play/1767999555644
Globe and Mail (2020) July 14: 83% of teachers surveyed express concerns about returning to school in September
Ottawa Citizen (2020) April 16: Learning from home won’t drag down grades for high school students, promises Ottawa board
Globe and Mail (2020) April 10: Educators worry gap may grow for disadvantaged students stuck at home
CBC News (2020) April 2: Private schools offer at-home learning, public students still waiting
Toronto Star (2020) March 21: “The worst part about Ontario’s ‘Learn at home’ plan is that it excludes students who need it most“
CBC The National (2020) February 11: https://youtu.be/P_Pfr28B3ZE
CityNews (2019) November 21:
Globe and Mail (2019) November 21: “Ontario reducing online learning requirement for high schoolers from four courses to two“
The Toronto Star (2019) September 12: “Ontario’s e-learning plan misses the mark” https://www.thestar.com/opinion/star-columnists/2019/09/12/rosie-dimanno-ontarios-e-learning-plan-misses-the-mark.html
The London Free Press (2019) August 30: “Digital jolt looms large in big changes”
CBC News (2019) April 14: “Mandatory e-learning in high school could be a challenge in rural Ontario, experts warn“
EXCLUSIVE: The National Observer (2019) April 9: “Ontario may be creating student inequality with mandatory online learning: report”
CityNews (2019) April 8:
CBCNews (2019) March 26: https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/toronto/mandatory-online-courses-ontario-high-school-students-terrible-idea-e-learning-1.5072018
CBC Radio across Ontario (Toronto, Sudbury, Barrie, Peterborough, Kingston, London, Kitchener, Thunder Bay, and Windsor)
A selection include:
Metro Morning (2020) August 6: What online learning will look like in September
Ontario Morning (2019) December 11:
Metro Morning (2019) Toronto, December 11:
Ontario Morning (2019) March 27:
Metro Morning (2019) Toronto, March 26: https://www.cbc.ca/player/play/1464889411598/